Cillian, better known as C-man, lover of ‘tatoes, kill dawg to others, bacteria boy to all 😎 He means no harm, it’s just his Irish charm. Despite his fish out of water attitude in this foreign English lands, he is by no means a fan of the Irish goodbye, always up for a drink at barnight, chocolate at second dessert or copious amounts of treats at brunches. His studies as a biochemist are mainly focused on the production of the finest of Irish ales, as a side project he is trying to cure diseases and stuff.
Is she American? Irish? Australian? Whatever the accent is it ain’t brummie. Allie has crashed into Pembroke MCR after five years in the wilderness of the new world in a place called “Boston”. She is a font of great knowledge from her DPhil studies in experimental psychology to her understanding of the human form: “drink a pint of Guinness to settle your stomach”. Luckily for us she has decided to bestow this wisdom by serving as vice president. You can recognize Allie at bar nights as the gal who accepts the weirdest drinks from the bar managers, without questioning what it is.
Social Secretary
Ben is your French boi. He led the infamous Christ Church Invasion (circa 2019) and was decapitated during the glorious MCR Revolution. Notoriously known for his gloriously random haircuts he also happens to study neuroscience. Mostly sleep. Some might say it is an excuse for him to take a nap everywhere he goes. He left France for academic reasons, but don’t be fooled: it is his love for fantasy and adventure that led him to Oxford.
Social Secretary
Rohan is a place in Middle Earth. It’s also the name of a real human Australian at Pembroke. You’ll often find him in the Wood Room complaining about how cold England is and how Vegemite is better than Marmite (it is). He’s a reformed lawyer reading the MPhil in International Relations – but don’t worry, he can be good company too. In fact, it’s his job on the Committee to be just that – so come to a Bop or three, won’t you?
Welfare Officer & Sports Rep
Maz is a curious creature who has rejected the traditions of Essex by being neither orange nor blonde. Most of her hobbies seem to centre around different ways of kicking things – at odds with her soft and fluffy demeanour. Always prepared to make a cup of tea or do a questionable accent to cheer people up, she is less prepared to actually study. She doesn’t really know what she’s doing for her DPhil yet, but that’s okay because nor does anyone else when she says “computational biomedicine”. So back to kicking things and making people cups of tea.
Academic Rep
Constantinople was once known by the name Byzantium and is now called Istanbul. Maybe it was also called Alexandria. Constantin is not named after this city. Constantin is a rock. A rock who likes cheese. When he’s not busy rowing boats at ungodly hours of the morning with the illustrious M3 at our illustrious college, he works at the junction of biology and computing (which is obviously the best junction). Cheese still remains his greatest passion. You can recognise him by his shirts with sailing boats, fashionably buttoned to the top, by the cheese platter he carries with him at all times and, in the club, by his sick moves.
Priscilla lived in Singapore before moving to the UK. She researches on how to convince people to love animals of all kinds. Beyond studying, she loves photographing animals and interacting with (more) animals. Talk to her if you want to find out how to not offend a snake and live peacefully with animals.
Bar Manager
Thanks to her Dutch heritage, Lisanne knows how to ride bikes and will let any non-Dutch people know of their inherent inferiority. Despite this, she is extremely inspiring and will literally sit with you until dawn, providing social pressure and biscuits for you to finish your essays. She is the 'go-to' friend for a smoke, at any time of the day in any place. She would be a polyglot if the people who spoke the languages she knows were still alive and relevant. You can find her usually on any given day in the Oriental Institute. As a bar manager, it is one of her life's missions to raise everyone's alcohol tolerance.
Bar Manager
​While Hannah may try to convince you that she is from Yorkshire, do not be fooled: she’s actually an Essex girl. After being chased out of Durham with pitchforks, Hannah ended up at Oxford to obtain a DPhil in Reading Books. However, instead of reading any books, she spends her time mixing cocktails as bar manager and realising her election promise to seize the means of production. She can often be found hoarding drinks tokens from her friends, being branded a “terrorist” by commenters on the Daily Mail, and aggressively making her way through the line at McCoy’s for chicken nuggets at 1am. And a warning to all: nobody has taken Hannah up on her midnight tequila shots and not regretted it the next day.
General Rep
As a military historian, Louis has long harboured ambitions to become a General Rep, and was very much looking forward to bossing around mere Sergeant Reps and Lieutenant-Colonel Reps. He has since learned that his duties mainly consist of emptying the dishwasher and taking occasional minutes, but he's trying to be philosophical about his disappointment.