Welfare Support
The welfare of students is very important to Pembroke and the MCR. Whatever background you come from, we want to make sure that you feel at home and make sure that we provide you with the right support when you need it. For this, the MCR has Welfare Representatives:

A Welfare Rep is a fellow Pembroke MCR student in charge of delivering the appropriate level of welfare to the MCR. This includes hosting a weekly welfare event, welfare tea, being a welfare port-of-call, and where necessary, providing advice, counsel and support to MCR members. The Welfare Reps also organise occasional meditation sessions and well-being walks. The Welfare Reps also sit on the college’s Welfare and Equality committee ensuring that the MCR’s welfare needs are being met and represented at the college level.
Peer Support

In addition to the Welfare Reps, the MCR usually has Peer Supporters to provide an additional level of welfare support. A Peer Supporter is a fellow Pembroke MCR student who is there to listen to whatever it is that you want to discuss: good things and bad things, academic or personal, however big or small your issue is. Importantly, they are trained by the University Counselling Service and treat all matters strictly confidential. The Peer Supporters are a valuable addition to the Welfare Team and can act as a bridge between the student body and college by flagging up general problems within the college which might otherwise not have been noted.
If you would like to be trained as a peer supporter, please get in touch with the MCR welfare team.
College Welfare Support
Outside the MCR, the welfare structure in College is very well implemented and there are many points of contact available to you. Please visit the college website for the most up-to-date info: https://www.pmb.ox.ac.uk/welfare-and-wellbeing
Junior Deans
The Junior Deans at Pembroke, working as part of the Decanal Team, are responsible for looking after the safety and welfare of students. They live on-site, in the main College and in the GAB. They have both disciplinary and pastoral roles, sitting on the Domestic Management Committee and the Welfare Committee. They can be contacted via email or by phone (please ask the Porters for their contact numbers). After the Porters, the Junior Deans are the best point of contact in an emergency as they are specially trained and live in College.
Welfare & Wellbeing Coordinator
Dr. Rebekah White coordinates a programme of events aimed at promoting and supporting wellbeing, and is a friendly listening ear for any student who would like some extra support. Rebekah's days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday and she is available for a chat by appointment. Please contact Rebekah via email.
The College Chaplain is available to discuss matters of welfare or academic life with people of all faiths and none.
University Welfare Support
Below are some useful welfare links outside of Pembroke.
The Oxford University Counselling Service
The Counselling Service is University-wide, and here to help you gain understanding and insight into any difficulties you may be experiencing, to develop emotional resilience and put into effect real change, enabling you to fulfil your academic and personal potential. The Service offers free and confidential support, but it is not an emergency service. They provide individual and group counselling, supportive resources, and workshops on a variety of topics such.
The Oxford Student Nightline
Nightline is a completely independent listening, support and information service run for and by students of Oxford and Oxford Brookes universities.
Student Minds
Student Minds is the UK’s leading student mental healthcharity, founded in Oxford, which now runs many different support projects on topics such as eating disorders, mild depression, and supporting friends with mental health problems.
Mature Students Info
The University Mature Students Info page provides information for mature students.
Oxford Student Mindfulness Society
The Mindfulness Society organises mindfulness sessions and events throughout the academic year.
Peer Supporter Training with Oxford University Counselling Service
The MCR has provision for two MCR students to attend a training program offered by the University Counselling Service to become a certified Peer Supporter. Traditionally, after the training, you would join the MCR’s Welfare Team, either as a Peer Supporter or a Welfare Rep. This certified training program is an extensive 30-hour course run during Michaelmas Term. It is a chance to develop active-listening skills and self-knowledge as well as learn about the university’s support system. These skills will be useful in your role as a Peer Supporter but also in later life. The program consists of eight 3-hour sessions (generally on a Monday afternoon during term time) and one whole-day session on a Saturday. There are also follow-up sessions every fortnight for two terms post-training. It is imperative that you are able to attend every session for the maximum benefit of the training.