Robert Doane-Solomon
Co-Vice President
Rob is a second year DPhil student who has decided to swap from the boat club to the MCR citing “transferable skills” as his reason for running for vice president. Just don’t mention anything about the weather, as Rob will leverage the power of his climate models to tell you about the rainfall in immense statistical detail including about how “rotating the principle components of the climate system in phase space helps to understand…” (we cut him off here)

Ellie Naraidoo
Co-Vice President and Web Witch
Ellie would love to tell you how concrete is magic, but spends most of her time trying to hide the fact that she's a massive nerd (now in the third year of her DPhil in Engineering Science). Aside from trying not to talk about structural engineering, she will be either spinning, swimming, running, or earning back the calories at second dessert.

Seda Ozturk
Development Rep
Seda is a fourth-year DPhil student at the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. Over the years, she has served on the MCR committee in various roles, including Welfare Rep, Treasurer, and ultimately President. As she approached the end of her time at Pembroke, she took on the role of Development Rep to ease into retirement from her committee duties. In her free time, she enjoys reading, walking, and occasionally travelling.

Daniel Foran
Dan is a 2nd year Medical Sciences DPhil student most often found in the cardiac surgical theatres at the John Radcliffe or in the lab running organ baths. In his spare time not bathing organs, Dan enjoys frequenting the MRC bar or rowing with PCBC. If you'd like to know what an organ bath is he will be delighted to tell you (but just make sure you don't have anywhere to be anytime soon).

Julius Kochan
Academic Rep
Julius is a second-year DPhil student researching contemporary Chinese literature and art. His background was in Russian studies, and he continues to work on Sino-Russian comparative projects. He is always up for a chat about interesting words from any language, is a regular in the MCR, and almost always attends Pembroke hall on Monday night for the roast dinner!

Cassidy Serhienko
Social Secretary
Cassidy is a second-year Pembroke student studying digital humanities and medieval studies; her research interests include women in chivalric literature, contemporary reading culture and social media, and fantasy literature. Corner her if you want to chat about your current read, how British weather is really not that bad (she’s from Canada), or her conspiracy that the geese are plotting against her.

May Pattinson
Social Secretary
Durham alumni May is studying for a MSc in Learning and Teaching. She’ll undoubtedly tell you she’s also a full-time teacher, having taught from EYFS to Y11; however, keen to attend the many Pembroke exchanges, bar nights and formals she’s happy for the bell to dismiss her early!

Alex Welch
Food Rep
Pembroke is celebrating its 400th anniversary and Alex has been here almost as long; previously an undergrad here, Alex is a Pembroke loyalist and a regular at the MCR. Now in his second year of a Biochemistry DPhil, Alex is researching mRNA vaccines and has a *completely* unrelated side project working on microchip-enabled mind control. If you have a few hours to spare, ask Alex about music (from classical to hard rock) or tennis. Don’t ask about his stay in the Travelodge.

Chloe Harper
Food Rep and Families Rep
Chloe is a second-year Interdisciplinary Bioscience DPhil student (i.e. Biology DPhil) and a Plant Sciences girly (though she unfortunately kills just as many houseplants). When not in the lab, you can find her spending too much on food, walking anywhere green, or being clumsy (I dropped my phone in the river during Summer Eights).

Jianyu Huo
Year-Long Welfare Rep, Racial and Ethnic minorities Rep
Jianyu enjoys reading, dancing, and running along the Thames. When she is not browsing at an antique store, she might be visiting a museum. Strike up a conversation with her about whatever you have on your mind as she is an empathetic listener and source of support.

Viktoria Sochor
Welfare Rep
Viktoria is a second year MPhil student in Politics (European Politics and Society) researching the development of the EU administration. You can ask her anything about the EU, but please do not mention Brexit (“the B word”). She has at least three EU flags in her room and enjoys travelling by train while reading books (preferably about the EU).

Thomas Drezet
General Rep
Thomas is a 3rd year engineering DPhil, but when he's not at the lab researching Jet engines, or crawling around underneath his rusty car, you will usually find him hanging out enjoying the various weekly staples of life in the MCR (bar nights, second desserts, exchange dinners...). Ask him about any obsolete machine, or his home town up north, and you'll wish you hadn't 😴

Irene Zeitler
General Rep
Irene is a third year DPhil student in Biochemistry, looking at how gene expression changes in response to cold shock. Ironically, cold shock of the whole body is probably what she experiences on 6am rowing outings, but she’s adamant that watching the sunrise over Port Meadow makes it all worthwhile. Although boardgames is probably still her greatest passion, with an enormous collection can rival Thirsty Meeples at this point!

Ellie Debs
Sports Rep
Ellie is reading for an MPhil in Late Antique and Byzantine studies, and is the victor of another hard-run election for MCR sports rep. Her job is to siphon funds from the JCR to fund our new lacrosse team, and to attempt to host the inaugural MCR ‘inflatable pool toy’ race down the Isis (date & legality TBC.) When she’s not behind the bar, you’ll find her complaining about QGIS, despite the fact that she doesn’t need it for her degree.

Faye Thijssen
Bar Manager and Environment Rep
Faye is a first year MPhil student in politics researching the impact of corporate influence in environmental politics. Aside from her studies, she enjoys spending an ill-advised amount of time on Spotify and attempting to convince neighborhood cats to follow her home (with moderate success).